React Native setup checklist

1 min readJan 21, 2020


There is checklist of things that needed to be done in every React Native project in 2020 year.

So lets get started.


  1. Type checking and Sugar(TypeScript, PropTypes, Flow)
  2. Linter
  3. Server communication (Promise API: Fetch or Axios). Where to fetch data (action or React Component …)
  4. Navigation through screens (React Navigation)
  5. State management(Redux, redux-thunk)
  6. UI library (react-native-elements)
  7. Forms and validation (formik and yup)
  8. Hepers and utils(ramda, moment-timezone, jwt-decode)
  9. API keys (react-native-config)

Depends on needs:

  1. File system(react-native-fs, rn-fetch-blob)
  2. Offline (redux-offline, redux-persist, netinfo)
  3. Geo tracking (react-native-background-timer, @mauron85/react-native-background-geolocation)
  4. Maps (react-native-maps)
  5. Detect build numbers (react-native-device-info)
  6. Document and Image uploads (react-native-document-picker, react-native-image-picker)
  7. Popups (react-native-modal)
  8. npm scripts
"lint:fix": "eslint -f table - ext .js - ext .jsx ./ - fix",
"clean:cache:android": "cd android && ./gradlew cleanBuildCache",
"pod:install": "cd ios && rm Podfile.lock || true && pod install && cd ../",
"after:clone": "rm package-lock.json || true && npm i && npm run "pod:install",

….will be edited (mb 😜)




Mobile developer, working with React Native, Swift, Flutter.