Across — WWDC 2021. Regular iOS Developer’s perspective.

3 min readJun 8, 2021


Hey everybody.
At this note I will go through new features that was presented at WWDC 2021, that in my opinion I will use in my routine.

  1. Xcode Cloud

Integrated CI/CD into Xcode.
As always Apple shows us that hard things can may be easy, but it also might stay hard :)
Official documentation say’s that

Xcode Cloud — Xcode Cloud is a CI/CD system that combines the tools you use to create apps and frameworks for Apple platforms: Xcode, TestFlight, and App Store Connect.

I can’t wait to test it on my own project.

More information about released features right here:

More information you can find at Xcode Cloud Apple Documentation

2. DocC

Before Apple released their DocC (Documentation Compiler), developers forced to use external methods to document their features or code examples like Markdown markup in .md files.

And now Apple finally released DocC. We have well invented structure of Documentation and also it is very importing that we have a documentation pattern like so:

For more information about DocC you can visit this link

3. ShazamKit
It is always was interesting to me how Shazam recognize music. Obviously that Apple doesn’t shows us their insides. At least we have open API to play with music recognition.

According to official Press release from Apple. Apple bought Shazam at September 24, 2018. For huge company with one of the best Developers it took almost 3 years to adjust source code and integrate it to self ecosystem.

4. Structured concurrency in Swift

I think there will be more precise and detailed articles about new API for structured concurrency in Swift. Apple says that with Swift updates whiting asynchronous code will be more easier.

I need to say that it was one feature that forced me to open my moth while watching WWDC 2021 is Structured concurrency.

For more information about Structured concurrency in Swift you can visit this link

New way to fetch:

Here is the list of several topics to dive deep and discover

5. Swift actors

New way to write well known safe code according to Actors pattern.
And additional link for this approach.

Here you can read more about this topic from Apple.


Of course there is a lot of features I didn’t cover with this note/article. But I think they are most common and I’ll use them most in future.

Thank you for your time.
Code well.




Mobile developer, working with React Native, Swift, Flutter.